The Energy of Alcântara

Galp and its Foundation arrived in Alcântara. We tried to get to know the socioeconomic context of "our" new neighbourhood, get closer to its people and map the most relevant social partners at the local level. Together, we began to design the projects that will give shape to our plan to get involved in this community: Energia de Alcântara (The Energy of Alcântara).

The Energy of Alcântara

For us, the energy of Alcântara lies in its people. These are the stories of some of them

Acting on our three strategic axes:
Access to education, access to energy, and reduction of inequalities


Supporting education and inclusion

In partnership with the Boa-Hora Football Club, we support a programme of monitors who occupy the free time of children and young people from Alcântara schools with educational and sporting activities in a safe, healthy and enriching way.

These students are also invited to take part in workshops. The first workshop took place in November 2023 and featured the singer Diogo Piçarra as a surprise guest.


Promoting collective self-consumption

We have installed 185 solar panels at the Boa-Hora FC complex, in what is our first collective self-consumption project with a social purpose.

The clean energy produced here will supply almost half of the club's energy needs and could be used to power various associations and social facilities, such as Associação Vida Autónoma, Balneário Público, CCR CCR, Centro Social Paroquial and CRESCER.


Involving our volunteers

In 2023, we organised around 20 volunteering initiatives in Alcântara, in which we relied on the energy of 434 employees. This year, we renewed our commitment.


Strengthening support for partners

We support our partners' social mission - not just through volunteering initiatives, but also through other support, which can include our products and services. Donations of fuel and food parcels are just two examples.


Energy partners

We are energy partners of the Food Bank and the Donated Goods Bank (ENTRAJUDA), donating fuel to power the operations of the 21 Food Banks in Portugal.

